For those just joining us, our Potato Chronicles began in April, with an update here and another one here.
All caught up? Okay, let's continue.
Last weekend was harvest weekend. That means lugging out the blue plastic tarps and carefully tipping over the growing barrels (aka: trash cans). Here's a peek at some of our harvest:
We had red potatoes...

...and we had white potatoes....
Final tally of our harvest was over twenty pounds! We're storing them in a cotton sack, in the cool recesses under our stairway.
One of our objectives for this project was to be able to grow these potatoes to use in our Soups On Saturday program that runs from November through February. We enjoy giving back to our customers, and this seemed like a fun way to do so!
I'm excited to say that tomorrow, November 10th we'll be serving us some very special Potato Soup! The fact that it's homemade has an extra special meaning! Stop in and enjoy a cup, won't you? We'll be serving from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, or until the pot runs dry!
Thanks to everyone who asked about and supported our project this year!
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